Papertech’s WebInspector® web inspection system (WIS) represents the latest technology for inspecting all types of paper and tissue grades. Not only is our WIS available with both linescan and matrix cameras, but it utilizes a wide range of custom LED lighting configurations to see all the different types of paper defects. TotalVision synchronization with our WebVision® web monitoring system (WMS) and other manufacturer’s web monitoring systems, allows the root cause of defects to be quickly identified and eliminated.

Papertech first introduced the wet end web inspection in 2008. WebInspector systems include a dedicated software package, and can be installed as an inspection only system or sychronized with a WMS (web monitoring system) operating with WebVision. Together, they make up TotalVision, a complete defect and break detection solution. WebInspector includes many of the same features as a WMS including:

Features & Benefits

  • 100% web inspection for all types of defects.
  • Customized for each type of application using a full range of
    industry standard GigE-Vision® linescan and matrix cameras.
  • Full range of application optimized WebLED™ reflection and transmission lighting solutions with very long life and low power consumption.
  • TotalVision integration with WebVision web monitoring cameras allowing defect root causes to be quickly identified and eliminated.
  • Wide range of TotalVision software features allowing various
    defect reasons to be identified resulting in higher machine
    efficiency and paper quality.
  • Automated firing of industrial marking systems identifies reel
    quality at the winder.
  • AccuStop™ stop-on-defect winder automation provides a
    complete means of defect quality control and winder runnability optimization. Only highest quality product is sent to converting, and
    to customers.
  • All hardware based on off-the-shelf non-proprietary components for high reliability, and simple low-cost maintenance.

TotalVision Web Inspection Software Features

  • Classifies defects – Detects and classifies defects and marks their type and location on reel defect map.
  • Reel maps – displays all defects down to one pixel resolution,
    complete with a short video.
  • Reel Identification – Full reel ID information forwarded to
    downstream processes.
  • Defect recipes – Defect recipe classification for unlimited number of defect types based on a full range of classification features as well as advanced neural network analysis.
  • Synchronization – Accurate defect synchronization with
    WebVision® WMS to the wet-end.
  • Extended Video History – The user has easy control over access to video history from all of the cameras connected directly to the system. They can review the historical video and easily save desired clips to
    Permanent Storage.
  • PeriodicAnalyzer™ – Automatically identifies repeating defects and matches them to their most likely source (roll, felt, wire, etc).
  • Single Display – Multiple WIS beam support combined into single display reporting.
  • EdgeDetect™ – reliable edge defect & crack detection.
  • Data Archive – Automatic data archiving using MS SQL server allowing large defect storage (typically 40 million defect history in a four TB drive)
  • OPC Compliant – Full OPC compliant interface and SQL calls for historical data.
  • Edge Marking – Digital defect output sheet-edge marking using various defect marking solutions.


Different lighting setups are required for WebInspector® to record all the details of a defect. In the examples, transmission lighting clearly indicates a hole, but with the addition of reflection lighting from the other side of the sheet, there is more information recorded to assist in identifying the nature and source of the defect. This is the MaxVision™ advantage.

Small hole defect with transmission lighting only.






Small hole defect with the addition of reflection lighting, more defect detail is visible.





WebInspector® Options

Your web inspection system can be configured in a number of ways depending on budget, machine access, and scope needed. The images on the left show some installations using WebView housing rather than a beam structure. Both systems use the same cameras, lighting options, and TotalVision software integration to provide the highest quality images and video of your system.

Upgrades and Re-builds

In addition to new web inspection installations, Papertech can also upgrade existing systems with TotalVision components regardless of manufacturer. This upgrade at Arctic Paper Grycksbo in Sweden employs and TotalVision LED beam under the sheet for transmission lighting. The overhead camera beam was refitted with Allied Vision cameras to complete the upgrade (inset). For more information on this project, please refer to our press release.

WebInspector, Arctic Paper, Grycksbo

Need More Information?

If you have any questions about our web inspection systems, please contact us.

For a more detailed look at how TotalVision can improve efficiency in the papermaking process please download our report
Improving papermaking and coating effiency with web inspection cameras
If you think your papermaking could benefit from an inspection system, please download the questionaire below and submit as an attachment to
Download the WebInspector Questionaire