PulpInspector is an online pulp dryer dirt count measurement camera system created by Papertech as an alternative to the labour-intensive and inaccurate off-line manual measurement method currently used by many producers. PulpInspector’s high resolution cameras continuously analyze pulp quality for dirt, shives and any other non-desirable contaminants, such as metal. Other features include:

  • software algorithms that result in all dirt PPM (parts per million) to be continuously measured multiple times per second, either in one section of the pulp sheet, or all the way across for a complete 100% sheet inspection. The inspection resolution is guaranteed to meet the TAPPI/ISO 0.2 x 0.2 = 0.04mm2 smallest dirt size requirement.
  • Conforms to TAPPI/ISO pulp dirt count (see https://ipstesting.com/find-a-test/tappi-test-methods/tappi-t-563-visible-dirt/) , or pulp dirt analysis, a standard that has been used for off-line manual measurement for years to quality grade pulp. This results in a continuously reported PPM count that will closely match the manual batch method, but is more consistent and fully automated. Any dirt count changes are immediately detected and alarmed, providing operators with the tools they need to produce high quality pulp that is free of defects.
  • PulpInspector is easily installed on any pulp dryer, and can be used on a range of pulp brightness. The user-friendly interface allows operators to continuously see the PPM dirt count, and to quickly review weeks of dirt count history and trends. PulpInspector can also be readily interfaced with various QCS/DCS systems, and to close loop control any final quality control of the bales.

Download the PulpInspector Info Sheet
