With Papertech’s AccuStop™ system, operators can now stop or slow down the winder only when needed, ensuring production time is optimized. Designed to work with the Ryeco code marking system, AccuStop™ passes on signals to the the winder (PLC/Control) with the current distance to slow down or stop the winder at critical defects to allow patching or removal of defects.

Features & Benefits

  • Accurately slows down or stops at critical holes to patch them to prevent breaks at the off-machine coater, supercalender, or other converting process
  • Universal interface to receive defect data from any major WIS, or MES, supplier
  • Stores calibrated – CD&MD – customer roll map data for use in further processing.
  • Can also be used for sheeter or salvage winder.
  • Allows pre-selection of stop-on-defect classes and on-the-run defect selections.
  • Manually or automatically stop at any location whenever needed.
  • Specifically designed to fully interface with industry-leading Ryeco code marker and the AccuStop™ code reader.

Ryeco Code Marking

Using the AccuStop™ code reader, Ryeco edge codes are read and communicated to the AccuStop™ software. The system can be used with any web inspection system, and can be triggered automatically with any process control equipment. The edge codes enable AccuStop to accurately locate defects and aid downstream operators to take preventative actions to avoid downtime and ensure that customers receive only the best product.

Code marking occurs immediately following the dry-end WebInspector® cameras, which detect and record any defects. These defects are saved in a defect map and sent to the winder where its machine direction (MD) position is accurately determined by the code reader. Using the AccuStop™ software, the operator can slow down the winder when there are large defects to prevent breaks. If a defect needs to be removed or patched, the AccuStop software allows the winder to accurately stop at this operator identified defect. This allows quality issues down the converting chain to be eliminated.

Code Reader

AccuStop’s code reading system uses a Dalsa 2k Linea linescan camera to read the code marking provided by the Ryeco coding system. Lighting provided by a synchronized WebLED28 light makes installation easy & flexible, and can be installed up to 500mm (20”) from the sheet. The Accustop™ code reading camera system has been specifically developed to work with the Ryeco code marker to provide accurate & reliable code reading under all winder applications. Multiple units can be used for applications needing both edges measured.

Paper machine reel defect report sent to re-reeler operator station and AccuStop™ is synchronized with code reader.
The AccuStop™ code reading camera at the winder.
Ryeco code-marks the sheet at specific intervals after reel WIS

Need More Information?

If you would like more information on our specialty applications, please contact us.
